Monday, January 30, 2012

Je N'ai Pas De Mots--translation "I don't have words"

The winds of change are on their way

Tomorrow one of my dear friends will be leaving for Utah and will report to the MTC on Wednesday February 1 ,2012.
Our friendship has been amazing and...difficult. I really hope that he does his best on his mission. There is so much good that he could bring. I think it would be a really great growing experience for him.
It will be very different without him around...I would tell him everything. When I was upset he was always the first one that I wanted to talk to. We'll see how things go or what will become of the both of us in two years. All I know is that I'm grateful he has decided to serve the Lord. It will be a great time for him to discover himself and figure out about what steps he will take when he returns from his mission. Whatever happens with us I diffidently want the best for him. He can be a little prick but he deserves happiness as much as anyone.
His family has been very good to me. Needless to say I am really glad that they want to keep me around. They are a part of my family. I've made friends that I can keep forever thanks to Kolby.
May God watch over him on his way.

I fell in Love with Kolby Nikolas Jenkins. I can't say that we're going anywhere (especially right now). REGARDLESS he is going to come back a better man and make one girl extremely happy. Whatever happens it is all for the best. I'm glad that we had our time to get to know each other. His friendship is one of great worth. I hope we'll continue that friendship.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Sometimes you just need some time to figure yourself out. That doesn't mean you have to be alone to do it though. This weekend I have spent plenty of time alone and I have discovered the following things in my dog sitting weekend.

  1. I am beautiful. Even though there are some things I would change about myself, I got lucky to be as foxy as I am. I wish I thought that all the time
  2. I love dogs so much even though they smell weird
  3. I love sharing a bed with a dog
  4. I absolutely love my family (that is why I will be hungry out of my mind, we are having a family fast)
  5. My roommate are some fantastic kids. I'm so lucky that I got paired with them.
  6. I've got hidden talents I need to master. 
  7. There are few things as great as a mint mask
  8. I love eating....all kinds of food.
  9. coconut milk is weird...good, but not enough for me to drink it all the time...
  10. I've got a few good friends
  11. Mrs. Rexburg is exactly what I need right now....
awwww yeah... picture time

Krista is one talented little cheerleader.....
We had a grand old dinner party this one night

Also I am one freaky cake decorator.... first for Jed....second was for my fhe brohas.... It was a grand ole time
Oh and Here I am rejuvenating
I cracked this mask just for you so I hope you are happy

I know what you're thinking

and yes, I am beautiful :)

I can be your hero......and my laptop dies

Sometimes your out having a good time dog sitting with your sister visiting....when your electronic decides to  die..... wtfreak. That's what we get for being children of technology