Saturday, March 31, 2012

Quote Un-Quote

"Someone has to face the valley
Rush in! We have to rally and win boys
When the world is saying not to
By God, you know you've got to march on, boys
Never hold back your step for a moment
Look alive! Oh, your courage will grow
Yes, it's higher and higher and into the fire we go
Into fire!
Onward, ho!"
The Scarlet Pimpernel

Into the fire - The Scarlet Pimpernel aka my new theme song

Conference and family

This weekend members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints have the opportunity to listen to the prophets. We are told that if we approach conference with a question then, we will receive the answer we need. I have taken that challenge this time. I never have before. I have already received some answers and I know there are more to come. God guides his prophets to speak the things that we need to hear. He knows our hearts desires and our problems. He has prepared a way.
When President Thomas S. Monson was speaking he shared a famous quote called the Standard of Truth.
“The Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done” 
I once attended Missionary Prep during my Senior year. The entire class recited this every morning that we had the class. I felt I should share it.

Right now, I also have the opportunity to be with my family. When I got home I was racing to get ready to leave for a play that my step brother is in, the Scarlet Pimpernel. As I was about to leave Mom approached me; My little sister collided heads with her boyfriend and was taken to the Emergency Room for a large black eye. She is really sensitive about how bad it looks right now. When I walked upstairs Krista was laying on the couch with ice on her eye. I walked over to her and knelt down by her. It was pretty bad. I asked her how she was feeling and told her that when I got home I would let her kick my butt at Pac-man. Once I stood to leave Carl called me a Mother Hen.
day one

 day two

The play at the High School was Amazing! I think it was the best play I had ever seen. My friends performed so well and the Gentlemen looked so CHARMING!!! Why wasn't I born in old England. :) I was absolutely amazed with the show. The set was amazing! Wow. I really want to buy a DVD of the play. If only I had the money. :)
When I got home I followed up on my promise to Krista. She did, in fact, kick my sorry butt at Pac-Man. Once we were done playing we layed in bed and talked for almost an hour. It was almost weird to me because once upon a time not so long ago, we didn't get along. Here we were being the best of Friends. I feel so bad because she is worried that she looks like a monster. Seth called her Two-Face today and I wanted to beat him up. I actually chucked my hair brush at him.
I'm so happy to be with my family. People tell me that I'm not getting the "real college experience'' living so close to home. I wouldn't change it. It's a real college experience. Just a different one. I love it.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

My heart is full

Here I am having the ultimately boring day. I've been surfing the net, cleaning, and taking Kaydree to class. I walk into my room and see something on my bed. Initially I thought it was going to be something mean that I wouldn't want to read. BUT THEN I SAW CANDY!!!! Not just any candy either, It was Reese's that was gracing my pillows. I then proceeded to read an adorable note from Saebra and Jennifer.  I did all the clean checks yesterday, and a lot this semester, so they just wanted to thank me for it. That was exactly what I needed. They are so nice! I'm going to miss them. The front half of my note had song lyrics all over it. It's like they know me.

So that was the cuteness of that. Here I am, being dumb with chocolate.

I love you Saebra and Jen!
peace and love

Quote Un-Quote

"Peace is not something your wish for; it's something you make, something you do, something you are, and something you give away."
~Robert Fulghum

A Post of Pictures. AND a brief update about my life. :)

Brief Update:
Next semester, I'm going at it alone in Colonial 505. I am so excited to start somewhere new. I have not much cared for this Semester. There's been a lot of tension, needless to say. It's all to bad. I feel things will be better when I start living with people I don't know. You learn to like them and live with them all at the same time. I heard it works out better that way. I'm way bummed out though because I won't be living with Jen anymore. I do really like her. Yet, I am only up a floor and over three doors. It's not a terrible walk for us to see each other. :)
My health, since it was an issue last semester, has actually been pretty good. The Velociraptors as I like to call them, don't come as often anymore. I like that.
I've been packing up my things so I can hopefully get the nicest room in the apartment. We'll see how that goes. The apartment doesn't feel as cozy with out my decor. At least in my opinion it doesn't.
And Finally for a whole bunch of a lot of pictures. (WITH CAPTIONS!!!)

 After Valentine's day, we took some flowers that we received to our FHE brother Levi. His roommates aren't always the nicest to him. So we just do fun little things for him. He vents to us we give him advice. No big deal.
 One day for FHE we combined with another FHE group. We went to play some games at the I-Center. Nathan and I were chilling on the floor when we stuffed a basketball up his shirt. Rebekah saw this and made him put it back in for the picture. I asked it I was the father....apparently not. Our roommate Rachel is the daddy I guess (because Nathan likes Rachel)....How could she be the dad? Rachel was walking nearby when this happened. I say if you weren't there during the time the basketball baby is conceived, one CANNOT  possibly be the father. HA
 Once upon a time, our toilet use to clog all the time. I seemed to be caused by an over use of toilet paper. I made this little sign for the back of our door for fun... and because I'm the only one that knows how to properly use a toilet plunger. All is well, it functions great now.
 Sadie and I attended all of the upper valley Idol shows. Initially my old FHE dad, Bobby Muench, was in it.There was a girl who made it to the final round that in the opinion of Sadie and I, was not near as good as Bobby. *Frustration!!* BUT I was overjoyed with the contestant that did win. He was sooo amazing. Man if I was thirty and he was single.... Good looks aside, He was an extraordinary singer.
 One week our FHE family went up to the sand dunes to go sledding. I got this amazing picture of Miranda. None of my roommates came, but I had an amazing time without them anyway. We made a little fire, sledded, and tumbled down the hill without a sled. After, we came to my apartment and I made Hot Chocolate for everyone.
 Once upon another time, my roommates and I had a group date. On our adventure to ask the boys, the other girls would go to their apartment and rap for them. They would then hand the date the girl's number. I love it.   This was my date, Tyrell. He is obviously attractive don't you agree? Sad to say he doesn't really talk to me anymore. And I don't know why because it was a great date. :)
 On this date we had a doughnut eating contest....It got brutal. There was shoving and cheating up the wazoo.
 The boys were much less competitive and a lot better at it. Tyrell pulled out the win....and I thought John was totally going to win initially. 
 Once when Lacie Weaver and I were hanging out we put stickers on our phones. Mom says they look like Jarom and myself and that made me laugh. This was the only prince there were sticker of...and I remind myself of Cinderella :)
 The grass has started to turn green in some places. Sunshine is coming my friends.
 Jen and I went ballroom dancing. This week we learned some Cha-Cha. Another week I went with Christopher Coley and Rachel. That week we learned the Vietnamese Waltz. Christoper said he was "out of his element." I plan to go more often next semester if I can. AND WITH A DATE. It's less awkward that way :)
 This is a teddy bear Grandma Long gave me to decorate my apartment during Christmas last semester. I finally named him Commy. Commy and I took some great pictures when I was house sitting at mom's.
 This is Rachel. We were getting ready to walk to Academy of Comedy after I made dinner for the whole apartment. This was our roommate sleepover night. There were many highlights for me this day. It was a good day.
 Finally we all got out of the apartment and were on our way to Academy of Comedy. To the MC!!!!
 Also that night, we through Levi a quick surprise party. He loves shrek. We invited people from the ward. There was a great turn out. We even got him the exact cake he likes. :)
 Matt Clonts decided to throw a bonfire. It was so much fun. I spent most of the night hanging out with Nathan and Craig. They are great guys. I'm glad that I got to know them this semester.
 Right as we were getting ready to leave for dessert at Applebee's my nose started bleeding. I took a picture, cleaned of my face, and we left. My nose is telling me that seasons are changing. Thank you nose, I can see that :)
 Kalli King came to visit from Boise. She's attending Boise State. I miss her so much. This was while we were waiting for a table at Applebee's
 Here's the gang. Not all of them were speaking to me, but I had a great time. I sat by Kalli, obviously and also by Jen and Saebra. It was one of Saebra's more talkative nights. It was fun to see that side of her.
 As always....I had a craving for Lemons. Sorry Robin. I just need lemons in my life.
And finally Adam Levine and I hung out. I got a mermaid tattoo and we had a great time. Here in this picture we pretended we were thugs. Ah, a day in the life of hanging out with the lead singer of Maroon 5. TRUE STORY. ;)

So that's what's been going on as of late. There's still another week of the semester so I'll be sure to post about how that goes. Also how my new apartment is. YAY change. Spring is indeed a season of change.

Peace and Love

One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful (Lyric Video)

Sunday, March 18, 2012


This week has been so incredible for me.
I've been so trapped in myself that I was just miserable. Once I finally decided to be happy, I was. I wanted to and yet I didn't know how. I am so fortunate to have amazing friends. They have made my week what it was. I also decided to look at things in a positive light. and it makes all the difference.