Saturday, August 25, 2012


I went boating with a couple friends on Wednesday and Thursday. It was really fun and they are sweet guys. On both days I managed to get covered in bruises...
 I got clothes-lined with the rope at one point while three of us were mastering the tubes.

 Honestly, I have no Idea how the bruises on my legs came about. They're just there and really sore.

None of these pictures really do them justice. Let's just say that the only part of me that doesn't hurt is my hands and face. Carl was trying to Pop my back yesterday and he rubs it first, I thought I was going to cry.

I had such a good time. It was well worth it all.

Oh did I mention that the boys are Madison Bobcats? Is that I problem if I end up dating one? Rigby Madison...hmmm. Oh and he's a Return Missionary....which makes him even scarier. I do like him.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Extremely Thankful

I feel the need to post something today.

I have been very blessed in the fact that I found a job in a serious time of need. I have never doubted that it was my Heavenly Father watching out for me and blessing me. He has made me capable of accomplishing all things and he has prepared a way for me.

But today I find myself being more grateful than ever.

On my way to devotional I cut my foot open while crossing the street without shoes on. It's what I do.

The devotional speaker spoke about how God loves us, helps us, and provides for us through our trials. It was really amazing and I wish that everyone could have been there. It made me truly thankful to have the Gospel in my life. I can't imagine going through my life without recognizing God's very loving and powerful hand in my own life. He HAS helped me through my hard times. I have no doubt of that.

After devotional I was limping because my foot had been bleeding, so I stopped by work to see if I could clean it up before I finished walking the rest of the way to my apartment. I thought about not stopping since my apartment is just down the road. I thought it would be fun to stop in just to see everyone anyway.

I walk in and Sarah brings me the first aid kit for my foot. Lark walks downstairs and asks me to come upstairs. At first I thought it was just so I wouldn't be cleaning my foot out in the open, but then she said that they needed to talk to me. It's been really slow at Shake Out with all of the college students out of town. They told me that they were laying off most of the workers for the remainder of the break.

I started to panic thinking that I would not have a job for  5 more weeks. I almost felt tears coming to my eyes as they said, " and you are one we'd like to keep." It took all my control to control my emotions. God found a way to continue to provide for me, while I struggle as a broke college student.

My heart started to go out to all of my friends at work that would no longer have a job during the break. I asked who would be staying on, and my very closest friend will not be working there. I know that she needs a job almost more than I do. We both share a very hard burden with need of money. I do know that I will do my best to make sure that she is taken care of and finds a way to make it through.

When I walked back to my apartment, I went into my room, crawled on my bed and offered a very sincere prayer to my loving Father. Tears rolled down my face as I expressed my heartfelt gratitude and my concern and blessings for the others who had not been as fortunate and I have.

The devotional was divinely inspired for me. God provides, love, and helps us through our trials. We are his hands. Sometimes blessings come through us as we work as his hands.

"And now my [daughter, Abby] I would that ye should remember, that as much as ye shall put your trust in God even so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials, and be delivered out of your trials, and your troubles, and your afflictions, and ye shall be lifted up  at the last day." Alma 38:5

Lost and Found by Greg Olsen 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Spring Semester Pictures

Sadie's Birthday we saw the Lucky One

Utah Jazz Game just the two of us

Look at that guy in the back

Played a game of fugitive. Ha.

Best FHE family ever at Applebee's

We went on a camping trip at the Sand Dunes

It was a pretty intense Night

We go on a lot of Hikes

Carlen and I biffed it coming down the hill

That same day of the hike, we went bridge  jumping

Coolest picture of Ryan and Kyle. My FHE brothers


Monkey Rock

Also that day, I flew an airplane with Ryan Felshaw

Our FHE Brothers come over to do Home teaching...AKA Play Video Games

FHE family went to the Sand Bar

Joined Rebekah at the Book Of Mormon read. We finished it in three days!

Hanging out at Dad's with Boone

Sadie and I found the biggest Dandelion of our lives

I'm on the Student Board of Directors

We love to be outside.
Spring Semester is the best by FAR!!!!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Do Not Sit

It was a lovely display case, like one I had never seen before. It was still, empty and untouched. It was time it had something really extraordinary there. Sliding back the glass, after I picked the lock wasn’t even a fraction of the full enjoyment. It didn’t make a sound as I made my entrance into the case. Large red backpack under my head, and a Nicholas Sparks book in my hand, I laid down to enjoy the seclusion. I reclosed the glass with my bare feet. Student’s walking by treated me like a fish. Who do they think they are tapping on the glass like that? I looked to my left to see a small sign that read, please do not sit on display case, good thing I was laying there. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Gerber Daisy

I would say it’s been one of those days, but it hasn’t
I would say it’s been one of those weeks, but it hasn’t
I would say it’s been one of those months, but it hasn’t
It’s been one of those years.
A sorrowful one with tears
Today’s weather isn’t helping.
Rain was falling like boulders
It pounded and sounded like Satan had come forth
At the start of the year it was glorious
16 and beautiful
Long brown and blonde hair bounced across my small torso
Ever since my fair mother died, it’s been lonely
I’ve been lonely
I feel like I move shaky and slowly
My feet twist below me
And I feel that I can’t touch the floor.
I’m headed for nowhere.
Absent from school, I lay like a rug, melted to the floor
Mom used to decorate the house with Gerber Daises
A large garden surrounded our house
Mother flaunted her beautiful gardening skills
Maybe I shouldn’t have taken those pills
The floor rose up to meet my eyes
Was I even still standing?
There was a sense of weightlessness
Short of breath
Sweating bullets
Happier than ever
See you soon Mom. 


Joy-        tastes like the smell of rain right before a family barbeque or the taste of fresh and sour soup made just for me on my birthday
                Is the color Flaming Magenta. Bright and exciting. Jumping out of whatever it encompasses
                Is having a dog like Korvell, my small black lab that greets me at my backdoor every time I come home. The only dog I’ve been able to dance with.
                Joy feels like a warm bubble bath with jets in the tub
                It is the personality President Thomas S. Monson.
                A light crash of the ocean over a young family enjoying the waves at the beach, the seagulls cry as the sun dances across the skin.

Friday, April 13, 2012

The escapades of Korvell

This is the story of Korvell's big adventure this week.
*climes over fence
* Gets sprayed by skunk
*Found by a family on 3900
*Stays in the garage of said family
* Sent to Shelley, Idaho with the Aunt of that family
* Hangs out with Shelley family
*Shelley family changes their minds about wanting a dog
*Gets taken to the Idaho Falls pound
*Mom and I bail her out
*Gets a nice little microchip put into her neck
* Makes me smell like a skunk on the way home


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Goodbye 402 Hello 505

 A fresh new start is about to begin. 5 new roommates. New ward. New classes. New neighbors.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

One Fine (windy) Day

Today was a wonderful day. This is why:
General Conference was amazing today. As always. I also learned how to french braid during it.
 I got to be with my dog. We chilled out on the back patio. When she lays next to me she likes to stick her feet in my face.
 Since the wind decides how things are going to go today, I adjusted my sails so I would go the way I wanted.

 Backwards works SO much better
Good ole' wind

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Quote Un-Quote

"Someone has to face the valley
Rush in! We have to rally and win boys
When the world is saying not to
By God, you know you've got to march on, boys
Never hold back your step for a moment
Look alive! Oh, your courage will grow
Yes, it's higher and higher and into the fire we go
Into fire!
Onward, ho!"
The Scarlet Pimpernel

Into the fire - The Scarlet Pimpernel aka my new theme song

Conference and family

This weekend members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints have the opportunity to listen to the prophets. We are told that if we approach conference with a question then, we will receive the answer we need. I have taken that challenge this time. I never have before. I have already received some answers and I know there are more to come. God guides his prophets to speak the things that we need to hear. He knows our hearts desires and our problems. He has prepared a way.
When President Thomas S. Monson was speaking he shared a famous quote called the Standard of Truth.
“The Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done” 
I once attended Missionary Prep during my Senior year. The entire class recited this every morning that we had the class. I felt I should share it.

Right now, I also have the opportunity to be with my family. When I got home I was racing to get ready to leave for a play that my step brother is in, the Scarlet Pimpernel. As I was about to leave Mom approached me; My little sister collided heads with her boyfriend and was taken to the Emergency Room for a large black eye. She is really sensitive about how bad it looks right now. When I walked upstairs Krista was laying on the couch with ice on her eye. I walked over to her and knelt down by her. It was pretty bad. I asked her how she was feeling and told her that when I got home I would let her kick my butt at Pac-man. Once I stood to leave Carl called me a Mother Hen.
day one

 day two

The play at the High School was Amazing! I think it was the best play I had ever seen. My friends performed so well and the Gentlemen looked so CHARMING!!! Why wasn't I born in old England. :) I was absolutely amazed with the show. The set was amazing! Wow. I really want to buy a DVD of the play. If only I had the money. :)
When I got home I followed up on my promise to Krista. She did, in fact, kick my sorry butt at Pac-Man. Once we were done playing we layed in bed and talked for almost an hour. It was almost weird to me because once upon a time not so long ago, we didn't get along. Here we were being the best of Friends. I feel so bad because she is worried that she looks like a monster. Seth called her Two-Face today and I wanted to beat him up. I actually chucked my hair brush at him.
I'm so happy to be with my family. People tell me that I'm not getting the "real college experience'' living so close to home. I wouldn't change it. It's a real college experience. Just a different one. I love it.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

My heart is full

Here I am having the ultimately boring day. I've been surfing the net, cleaning, and taking Kaydree to class. I walk into my room and see something on my bed. Initially I thought it was going to be something mean that I wouldn't want to read. BUT THEN I SAW CANDY!!!! Not just any candy either, It was Reese's that was gracing my pillows. I then proceeded to read an adorable note from Saebra and Jennifer.  I did all the clean checks yesterday, and a lot this semester, so they just wanted to thank me for it. That was exactly what I needed. They are so nice! I'm going to miss them. The front half of my note had song lyrics all over it. It's like they know me.

So that was the cuteness of that. Here I am, being dumb with chocolate.

I love you Saebra and Jen!
peace and love