Monday, July 9, 2012

Spring Semester Pictures

Sadie's Birthday we saw the Lucky One

Utah Jazz Game just the two of us

Look at that guy in the back

Played a game of fugitive. Ha.

Best FHE family ever at Applebee's

We went on a camping trip at the Sand Dunes

It was a pretty intense Night

We go on a lot of Hikes

Carlen and I biffed it coming down the hill

That same day of the hike, we went bridge  jumping

Coolest picture of Ryan and Kyle. My FHE brothers


Monkey Rock

Also that day, I flew an airplane with Ryan Felshaw

Our FHE Brothers come over to do Home teaching...AKA Play Video Games

FHE family went to the Sand Bar

Joined Rebekah at the Book Of Mormon read. We finished it in three days!

Hanging out at Dad's with Boone

Sadie and I found the biggest Dandelion of our lives

I'm on the Student Board of Directors

We love to be outside.
Spring Semester is the best by FAR!!!!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Do Not Sit

It was a lovely display case, like one I had never seen before. It was still, empty and untouched. It was time it had something really extraordinary there. Sliding back the glass, after I picked the lock wasn’t even a fraction of the full enjoyment. It didn’t make a sound as I made my entrance into the case. Large red backpack under my head, and a Nicholas Sparks book in my hand, I laid down to enjoy the seclusion. I reclosed the glass with my bare feet. Student’s walking by treated me like a fish. Who do they think they are tapping on the glass like that? I looked to my left to see a small sign that read, please do not sit on display case, good thing I was laying there. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Gerber Daisy

I would say it’s been one of those days, but it hasn’t
I would say it’s been one of those weeks, but it hasn’t
I would say it’s been one of those months, but it hasn’t
It’s been one of those years.
A sorrowful one with tears
Today’s weather isn’t helping.
Rain was falling like boulders
It pounded and sounded like Satan had come forth
At the start of the year it was glorious
16 and beautiful
Long brown and blonde hair bounced across my small torso
Ever since my fair mother died, it’s been lonely
I’ve been lonely
I feel like I move shaky and slowly
My feet twist below me
And I feel that I can’t touch the floor.
I’m headed for nowhere.
Absent from school, I lay like a rug, melted to the floor
Mom used to decorate the house with Gerber Daises
A large garden surrounded our house
Mother flaunted her beautiful gardening skills
Maybe I shouldn’t have taken those pills
The floor rose up to meet my eyes
Was I even still standing?
There was a sense of weightlessness
Short of breath
Sweating bullets
Happier than ever
See you soon Mom. 


Joy-        tastes like the smell of rain right before a family barbeque or the taste of fresh and sour soup made just for me on my birthday
                Is the color Flaming Magenta. Bright and exciting. Jumping out of whatever it encompasses
                Is having a dog like Korvell, my small black lab that greets me at my backdoor every time I come home. The only dog I’ve been able to dance with.
                Joy feels like a warm bubble bath with jets in the tub
                It is the personality President Thomas S. Monson.
                A light crash of the ocean over a young family enjoying the waves at the beach, the seagulls cry as the sun dances across the skin.